
Allows you to bind a computed property against your model by providing a computation function that will take in state and return a derived value. Computed state can be accessed like any other state on your store.

The computation process is only performed when the property is accessed, i.e. lazy computation. This allows for good performance characteristics. In addition to this the results of computed properties are cached, and will only be recomputed if their input state has changed.

isLoggedIn: computed(state => state.user != null)


  • stateResolvers (Array<Function>, optional)

    Note: this is an optional parameter, you can omit it and instead just provide a computationFunc.

    State resolvers allows you to isolate the specific parts of your state as inputs to your computation function. They also have the added benefit of being able to expose the entire store state to your computed property. Each state resolver function receives the following arguments:

    • state (Object)

      The local state against which your computed property is bound.

    • storeState (Object)

      The entire store state

    In general it is recommended that you only use state resolvers if you need to resolve state from another part of your model. There are some performance benefits to be had by isolating local state, but in almost every case this would be insignificant.

    It is also worth noting that the state and storeState that are provided to your state resolvers will include computed properties too. Computed properties are allowed to reference each other.

  • computationFunc (Function, required)

    The computationFunc that will receive the input state and return the derived value. If no stateResolvers were defined the computationFunc will receive the local state as its input.

Simple computed property

This is the simplest form of computed properties, and the form that should be used in most cases.

const model = {
  session: {
    user: { username: 'bob' },
    isLoggedIn: computed(state => state.user != null)

Utilising state resolvers

In this example we will use state resolvers to isolate different parts of our store state.

const model = {
  products: {
    items: {
      1: { id: 1, name: 'boots', price: 20 }
  basket: {
    productIds: [1],
    productsInBasket: computed(
        state => state.productIds,
        //          👇 the store state is the 2nd argument to a state resolver
        (state, storeState) => storeState.products.items
      (productIds, products) => => products[id])

Supporting runtime arguments

You can return a function from your computed property to support runtime arguments.

const todos = {
  items: [{ id: 1, text: 'answer questions' }],
  // Note how we are returning a function instead of state
  //                          👇
  todoById: computed(state => id => state.items.find(todo => === id)) 

You can then use the function based property similar to the deprecated selector.

function Todo({ id }) {
  //                                      execute the todo 👇
  const todo = useStoreState(state => state.todos.todoById(id));
  return todo ? <div>{todo.text}</div> : null;

You can even memoize your functions by utilising the memo helper.

import { memo } from 'easy-peasy';

const todos = {
  items: [{ id: 1, text: 'answer questions' }],
  // Wrap your function with memo and set the cache size
  //                          👇
  todoById: computed(state => memo(
    id => state.items.find(todo => === id),
    100 // 👈 cache size  

Accessing via a component

You access computed properties in the same manner as any other state within your components, i.e. via the useStoreState hook. Any updates to our computed property, i.e. the input state to our computed property changed, will automatically re-render your component.

import { useStoreState } from 'easy-peasy';

function TotalPriceOfProducts() {
  const totalPrice = useStoreState(state => state.products.totalPrice);
  return <div>Total: {totalPrice}</div>

Accessing via the store instance

You can also access the computed property via the store's getState API.
