Testing computed properties

Computed properties are simply the result of a derive process applied to existing state. Therefore one strategy would be to create versions of your store with the initialState defined. You could then verify that the expected values are derived by your computed properties.


Given the following model under test.

import { computed } from 'easy-peasy'

const todosModel = {
  items: {},
  count: computed(state => Object.keys(state.items).length)

We could test it like so.

test('"count" is 0 when there are no items', async () => {
  // act
  const store = createStore(todosModel);

  // assert

Utilising initialState

You can also utilise the initialState configuration property of stores in order to preload some initial state, which would allow you to wider testing of your computed properties.

test('"count" is 2 when there are 2 items', async () => {
  // act
  const store = createStore(todosModel, {
    // utilise initialState to preload our state
    initialState: {
      items: {
        1: 'foo',
        2: 'bar'

  // assert